
Navigating Uncertainty with Virtual Coaching

John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”   

was thinking about what’s going on in the world right now while reflecting upon the words of John Lennon.  Living in the present doesn’t always mean that everything will be easy.  Life is full of unexpected events that ask us to adapt.  As a Chiropractor, Nutritionist, Energy Healer, and Wellness Coach; I am being asked to change how I provide my services.  With the COVID-19 challenge, people all over the world are faced with something that none of us could see coming, much less be prepared for.  Sometimes we are so busy planning for our future, worrying about our past, and blaming others for our own mistakes, that we miss out on the present moments of life.  In other words, "Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”  Many people today are facing their greatest fears; fear of the unknown, fear of going broke, fear of losing their homes, jobs, family members, friends or their own lives. These are legitimate concerns for all of us who live on this planet.  

So, how do we navigate these unchartered waters of uncertainty and changing world protocols?  For me, I turn to my strengths.  We all have them.  Two of mine are hope and faith.  I have hope that despite the challenges we’re going through now, things will get better.  I don’t know exactly when, but they will.  Related to that, I have faith.  I can’t see how things will work out, but I know they will.  At my age, I’ve seen a lot of life and lived through many seemingly impossible challenges.   

My hope and faith is that we can all tap into our strengths and use them for the greatest good right now.  Research shows that we are happier, less stressed and more productive when we utilize our strengths.  Check out the data at the Via Institute of Character website: Via Strengths Finder

Identify your strengths and create a clear plan on how to use them to keep yourself as healthy as possible during this time.  When we quit trying to resist life on life’s terms, and can flow in harmony with the Universe, new windows of opportunity come knocking on our doors, miracles occur, and we awaken to a new enlightenment that helps us navigate this unknown road we find ourselves on. 

I now offer my coaching sessions via a Virtual Platform to help people create a plan to manage stress and strengthen their immune system through nutrition.  If you need guidance, please reach out.  I’m here to help.

Imagine your possibilities!  

Contact Dr. Mitch Ergas 

Founder and CEO Life Wellness & Chiropractic, PC 



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